pacs.004 ISO 20022 message
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pacs.004 ISO 20022 message: Definition
A pacs.004 ISO 20022 message is used in different scenarios:- Inter-PSP Return
- Inter-PSP Positive Response to a Recall of SEPA Credit Transfer Dataset
- Inter-PSP Positive Response to the Request for Recall by the Originator Dataset
- Inter-PSP Direct Debit Return/Refund
pacs.004 ISO 20022 message: Scope
The pacs.004 is the interbank format used to return an incoming payment (pacs.008 ISO 20022 message) from the PSP (bank) to the recipient (creditor) bank. Alternatively, the pacs.004 is used as a positive respond to a request for recall (camt.056 ISO 20022 message). A distinction is beeing made as to whether the request for recall was initiated by the customer’s bank or by the customer himself. In this case, positive means that the money originally transferred is returned to the debtor of the original payment. One could also say that it is also an answer to a pacs.028 ISO 20022 message, but that’s not entirely true. In the case of a pacs.028, the underlying camt.056 is beeing answered. The pacs.028 only serves as an indication that the answer has not yet been received. In the case of direct debits, an incoming direct debit (pacs.003 ISO 20022 message) can be returned after its execution date (DueDate) with a refund (Return/Refund).pacs.004 ISO 20022 message: Usage
General information
The pacs.004 is the file format in which PSPs can reject a previously sent pacs.008 or return it on request. The pacs.004 is relevant for booking and in SCT one of the few formats for which the PSP is allowed to charge a fee. This fee is stated directly in the pacs.004 and is deducted during settlement.SEPA SCT
The pacs.004 is used in two scenarios in SEPA SCT. Inter-PSP Return SEPA Credit Transfer Dataset – pacs.004.001.09 With a SEPA SCT pacs.004, a previously sent pacs.008 can be returned to the sender (debtor). The money is then credited back to the debtor PSP (debitor bank).

Inter-PSP Direct Debit Return – pacs.004.001.09SDD Inter-PSP Direct Debit Refund – pacs.004.001.09SDD
SCT Inst FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer – pacs.004.01.09
The pacs.004 is beeing used in two scenarios in SWIFT and Target2 MX as well. FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer – pacs.004.001.09