CPG.classic is the comprehensive solution for national and cross-border global electronic payments

Benefits of CPG.classic
- Effectiveness through flexibility (very high degree of standardization with simultaneous, unrestricted customer-specific configuration)
- Integration capability through open interface concept
- Open and unlimited scalability for enterprise-specific structures and volumes
- Suitable for all financial service providers, from a simple converter solution to centralized group processing
- Modular architecture with complete functional coverage
CPG.classic optimizes your payment transactions
Complete scope of services
A system for all cases
CPG.classic has been continuously developed in cooperation with our customers and includes all conceivable functions for the individual processing and optimization of payments. Checking, sorting, automatic corrections and the time- or cost-optimized allocation of a clearing partner are core functions of the system.
Modular construction and transparency
Flexibility and independence
Features of CPG.classic
- Booking information, follow-up processing
- Reporting, research, archiving
- Appointment / fee management
- Standing orders / templates
- Cash Concentration
- ZV statistics
- EBICS – connection
- SWIFT – connection (Service-RZ, own connection)
- Web services
- IBM WebSphere (MQ)
ZV connection
- €-System (TARGET2, TIPS)
- Deutsche Bundesbank (SEPA EMZ, SEPA HBV)
- EBA-Clearing (Euro1, Step1, Step2, RT1)
SEPA module
- Processing of all SEPA payment instruments SCT (inst), SDD (Core / B2B), SCC
- Account statements and account information
- SEPA mandate management / pre-notification
- SEPA conversion / enrichment of SEPA information
ZV method
- International payments (DTAZV / TARGET2 / SWIFT)
- House bank procedure
- XML check processing (BSE / ISE)
- National country-specific payments, e.g. ACH
Cloud Service
The advantages at a glance
- CPG.classic, CPG.instant and SEPax are also available as "Software as a Service". This variant of software usage offers a lot of flexibility and low fixed costs.
- Individual functions can be activated or deactivated as required.
- Highest availability and safety are ensured by our certified data center.